Our Republic was based on a principle that dates back to Biblical times. Many people use the quote "Innocent until proven guilty" but is that really the case? Do you really believe and live that statement? Let's find out by putting you to the test with the biggest test of all, self reflection. This test you will answer to yourself, so make sure you are brutally honest. If you can't be honest with yourself, all people including you have already lost the battle.
Let's take a good hard look and see if you truly believe in "Innocent until proven guilty"; or, if you've been brainwashed to believe in "social justice" or "guilty until proven innocent" while expecting the opposite for yourself. This backwards and upside down mentality is destroying millions of lives and our union. It's time we take a look deep within ourselves. Only by deep reflection of ourselves will we be able to change the tide of corruption. In order to restore our union's founding principles of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" we must first begin by being honest with ourselves, then and only then will America have a chance at prosperity for all once again.
How do you respond, what is your thought pattern, or even your reaction or actions when you hear or read certain articles, including through your posts online, what comments do you make and how do you respond to what you have heard?
I am going to use some articles from Main Stream Media, and some other examples, then I will list questions for you to ask yourself. There is no need to answer in the comment section below unless you choose to do so. The intent of this article is simply self awareness and to help our union by educating people of the wrongs being enacted by society as a whole. More often than not people are judging and have the mindset of "Guilty until proven innocent" without even realizing they are doing it. They have been propagandized, manipulated, and ultimately trained into this type of thinking. Creating self awareness is the only way ALL of our people will truly regain their rights, and once again become a union of truly free people.
Read the following article.
Alan Espinoza Charged with Murder of Girlfriend.
What is the first thought that came to your mind?
a) This man is a scumbag that needs the death penalty.
b) You start re-sharing this story while attacking this man as being scum that the world can do without.
c) If the cops arrested him, then they must have the proof he committed the crime. Thus the cops are hero's for getting a person like this off of the streets.
d) Where's the proof? What evidence did they have? What is the accused saying?
e) If they plead the fifth, then they definitely have something to hide.
f) They have every right to plead the fifth, and the government must prove this man is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, otherwise he must be found innocent of all charges brought against him.
[ IF you answered a, b, c, or e. YOU are the problem. YOU have convicted a person without proof, without due process, and without the assumption that people are "Innocent until proven guilty". ]
Albuquerque man accused of rape of 4 month old baby.
What is the first thought that came to your mind?
a) This man is a scumbag that needs the death penalty.
b) You start re-sharing this story while attacking this man as being scum that the world can do without.
c) If the cops arrested him, then they must have the proof he committed the crime. Thus the cops are hero's for getting a person like this off of the streets.
d) Where's the proof? What evidence did they have? What is the accused saying?
e) If they plead the fifth, then they definitely have something to hide.
f) They have every right to plead the fifth, and the government must prove this man is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, otherwise he must be found innocent of all charges brought against him.
[ IF you answered a, b, c, or e. YOU are the problem. YOU have convicted a person without proof, without due process, and without the assumption that people are "Innocent until proven guilty". ]
School bus driver accused of rape.
What is the first thought that came to your mind?
a) This man is a scumbag that needs the death penalty.
b) You start re-sharing this story while attacking this man as being scum that the world can do without.
c) If the cops arrested him, then they must have the proof he committed the crime. Thus the cops are hero's for getting a person like this off of the streets.
d) Where's the proof? What evidence did they have? What is the accused saying?
e) If they plead the fifth, then they definitely have something to hide.
f) They have every right to plead the fifth, and the government must prove this man is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, otherwise he must be found innocent of all charges brought against him.
[ IF you answered a, b, c, or e. YOU are the problem. YOU have convicted a person without proof, without due process, and without the assumption that people are "Innocent until proven guilty". ]
Law firm employee arrested and charged with Tax evasion
What is the first thought that came to your mind?
a) This man is a scumbag, that needs to spend time in jail for what he's done.
b) You start re-sharing this story while attacking this man as being scum that the world can do without.
c) If the cops arrested him, then they must have the proof he committed the crime. Thus the cops are hero's for getting a person like this off of the streets.
d) Where's the proof? What evidence did they have? What is the accused saying?
e) If they plead the fifth, then they definitely have something to hide.
f) They have every right to plead the fifth, and the government must prove this man is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, otherwise he must be found innocent of all charges brought against him.
[ IF you answered a, b, c, or e. YOU are the problem. YOU have convicted a person without proof, without due process, and without the assumption that people are "Innocent until proven guilty". ]
Dozens Arrested During Brooklyn Bridge Protest.
What is the first thought that came to your mind?
a) These people should have never been there. They knew it would turn violent, that is what they get.
b) They need to spend time in jail for attacking the police.
c) You start re-sharing this story while attacking these protesters as being scum, violent, instigators, ones that the world can do without.
d) If the cops arrested them, then they must have the proof they committed the crime. Thus the cops are hero's for getting people like this off of the streets.
e) Where's the proof? What evidence did they have? What is the accused saying? Were the protesters possibly acting in self defense? What lead up to the violence? Is there any solid proof of this violence?
f) If they plead the fifth, then they definitely have something to hide.
g) They have every right to plead the fifth, and the government must prove these people are guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, otherwise they must be found innocent of all charges brought against them.
[ IF you answered a, b, c, d or f. YOU are the problem. YOU have convicted a person without proof, without due process, and without the assumption that people are "Innocent until proven guilty". ]
US Confiscates Property of Suspected Drug Dealer
What is the first thought that came to your mind?
a) This man is a scumbag, that needs to spend time in jail for what he's done. I'm glad they seized his property.
b) You start re-sharing this story while attacking this man as being scum that the world can do without.
c) If the cops seized his property then they must have the proof he committed the crime. Thus the cops are hero's for seizing his property so he can't continue to spread this poison on the streets.
d) Where's the proof? What evidence did they have? What is the accused saying?
e) If they plead the fifth, then they definitely have something to hide.
f) They have every right to plead the fifth, and the government must prove this man is guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, otherwise he must be found innocent of all charges brought against him.
[ IF you answered a, b, c, or e. YOU are the problem. YOU have convicted a person without proof, without due process, and without the assumption that people are "Innocent until proven guilty". ]
This thought pattern in society is what is causing and has caused many innocent people to go to jail, and or prison. This thought pattern IS what has fed the beast of the fictitious courts to be able to lie, manipulate, twist, and abuse everyone's natural right to a FAIR TRIAL, which YOU and everyone else had from the first breath you took.
Sadly in our society today, we too would have crucified Jesus Christ himself! Jesus Christ choose to remain silent when questioned by Pon'ti-us Pi'-late. He too was judged by those corrupt, hate filled, power elite, that were the religious leaders of that time and was brutally crucified. Ref: Matthew Chapter 27; KJV Jesus Christ remained silent.
When we hear of a "murderer or rapist" it elicits a certain automatic response without any rationale thought pattern involved. We automatically want justice through vengeance, not because it is true justice but because of emotions and not facts. It also stems from the fact that "rapist" or "murderer" elicit one image in our minds while the coding system can define those terms much differently. Thus what you are thinking is "rape" or "murder" may in fact be self defense or consensual sex between two people that the state itself doesn't approve of.
Let me give you some Biblical examples and let's start healing our union, our people, and throwing the judicial tyranny, and private prison sham out the window.
The Apostle Paul, known as one of the greatest Apostles of Jesus Christ was once named Saul. Saul persecuted many innocent Christians including causing them to be put to death. Saul (aka Paul) was greatly feared among the Christians due to his persecution of them . On the road to Damascus Saul was blinded by the Lord, spoken to, and transformed from an evil person with murder in his heart, to one of the most well known Apostles of Jesus Christ that went from place to place preaching the Word of God, and healing the sick. Ref: Saul Renamed to Paul Acts Chapter 9 KJV This is a Biblical Fact.
Let's contrast and place that same scenario in today's society. How would our society work today? Much in reverse honestly. The "law enforcement officers" would arrest Saul (aka Paul), he would have a mock trial, then caged the rest of his life, if not murdered by the state and others seeking to judge him for his horrible acts. The same "state" in which the defense and prosecution [aka judges, prosecutors offices, public defenders and police] are all paid by and work for the same corporation/people. Their loyalty is only to those whom pay their paychecks, which are the corporations and NOT WE THE PEOPLE. When people are found guilty by an uninformed jury of the states piers, and not the defendant's piers, is there any doubt that there is NO FAIR TRIAL? How can their be a fair trial when the Judge, Prosecution, and Public Defender, are all paid by the same corporation? Their job is to protect their client, and their client is the one that pays their paychecks. The deck is already stacked against anyone whom goes into a courtroom today due to this fact. Does that sound like Due Process to you? Does it even sound plausible that anyone can have a fair trial and due process with a system that is completely stacked against the accused?
What about those "Rapists"? The "state" twists the real meaning of rape to include sex with a child. Before you think OMG, this lady supports pedophiles and rapists, etc... Please hear me out, and you will see that is NOT what I am saying at all. However, in all fairness many men and women are being convicted because of a false definition of rape, and society's blind ignorance of thinking they have the right to rule others lives, and judge a situation without knowing ALL of the facts. On that note I am going to once again go back to the Word of God and in contrast compare with our society of today.
In the days of Lot, he and his two daughters were dwelling in a mountain cave. The two daughters conspired together to get their father drunk so they could have sex with him in order to become pregnant with child. Lot's daughters made him drink wine, after Lot was drunk the oldest daughter went to her father, had sex with him, all the while he was not aware that any of this had happened. On the next night the same actions were repeated by the youngest daughter. She had sex with her father without his consent or knowledge. The daughters both became pregnant by their father Lot. [ref: Genesis 19 v 30-39.] Lot was not charged with any crime, nor were the girls. God did not strike him dead, nor curse Lot for the actions that had occurred. There was no intent by Lot to have sex with his daughters, however there definitely was intent, and pre-planning of taking advantage of Lot by his daughters.
Revert to Today:
If the same situation were to happen today, because of society's twisted thinking. Lot would have been arrested, thrown in jail, and the state would throw away the key. The people in society today would attack him in the media, destroy his reputation, and would not believe Lot could not have known he was having sex. The state would twist the events creating a scenario from lies and manipulation to make people believe Lot was guilty of rape. The false court system would paint him as a monster that raped his own daughters, forced them to bare his children, and they would make sure to have DNA of the babies to "prove" their rape allegations. The defense that "Lot didn't even know and was drunk" wouldn't matter in today's society. In the eyes of many there is "no excuse" for such things within our society today. Thus they think it is proper to force their opinions and redefined definitions upon others. They have the mentality that you will live how I say, or you will be locked in a cage like an animal for the rest of your life for not obeying the command of another fallible man or woman.
The politicians/society/and law makers have redefined "rape" to the point it has nothing to do with force, or coercion, but it is whatever they say it is. We have allowed a corrupt system to infiltrate our country, rewrite definitions, and accepted their twisted version of truth thus being complicit in destroying many innocent people's lives by sending them to prison for something that truly was not a crime. Where there is no victim there is no crime. Just because a girl or boy is underage doesn't mean they are not complicit in sex, many are more than complicit and the false narrative that they can't consent due to their age is not only false but a product of brainwashing in society as a whole. Many of our youth today seek sexual gratification, and will do anything within their power to get it. Then when caught the man/woman that was targeted by that "child" is set up to be a "rapist" [according to this system] when in truth the adult targeted not the "child" is the real victim, facts be damned.
These are just two examples I bring to the forefront because these are the same types of "crimes" which infuriate many today. Many people judge upon what a person is being accused of, or what is in the headline, instead of judging by any of the facts of the case they see before them. We must realize that we ourselves are the ones bringing damnation upon our country, our families, and our friends, by having the mentality of "guilty until proven innocent" instead of "innocent until proven guilty". Because we saw it on the news it must be true right?
Major "failures" found in Rolling Stones "Rape On Campus"
Revisiting the Tawana Brawley Rape Scandal
Pay Up Time for Brawley rape-hoaxer finally shells out for slander
Many people have the automatic reaction of anger when they hear of these types of crimes via MSM or Police reports. Because the stories are so horrid we do not even stop to consider or question if Main Stream Media would twist, manipulate, or lie to we the people in order to sell more newspapers, get more ratings, instigate people to create an outrage so the people cry out for "social justice"and not justice itself, or would they? You bet they would, they do, they have, and they have been complicit in destroying many lives because of their false or misleading reporting.
Paris Mayor: I'm Suing Fox News over False Report on Muslim "no go-zones"
Major "failures" found in Rolling Stones "Rape on Campus" report
George Zimmerman Sues NBC Universal over edited 911 call.
NBC getting sued for Libel and Slander over false reporting.
Ray McDonald sues Woman for defamation after she claimed "rape"
What about the police? Many have the learned thought pattern that has been ingrained into us throughout our entire lives. This has been done through the courts, police, propaganda, public schools, newspapers, churches, and NGO's . We have been taught never to question government authority. We are taught that police, judges, etc... are always the good guys, they would never lie, they would never set people up, and because it's in the "police report" it must be true. We have been taught to believe that a police officer would never, lie, twist, nor manipulate a police report to make it fit the narrative he chooses? My friends, our Founding Fathers always questioned those in "authority" because they knew how corrupt those in authority can be, and the destruction that comes with it.
Color of Law Abuses: FBI
"During 2012, 42 percent of the FBI’s total civil rights caseload involved color of law issues—there were 380 color of law cases opened during the year. Most of the cases involved crimes that fell into into five broad areas:
- Excessive force;
- Sexual assaults;
- False arrest and fabrication of evidence;
- Deprivation of property; and
- Failure to keep from harm. "
SFPD Officer Found Guilty of Illegal Search and Falsifying Police Report
Two East Haven Cops Guilty of Civil Rights Abuses
Four Former Correctional Officers Sentenced for Assaults of Inmates and Ensuing Cover-up
Crime, Corruption, and Cover-ups in the Chicago Police Department
Two Detroit Police Officers Plead Guilty In Federal Corruption Probe
Jury Gives 1 Million dollar to man who sued city for False Police Charges
Wrongfully Convicted Woman, Now Free, Sues City of LA
False Arrests, Convictions, and Imprisonments: New York Times
False Confessions, New Data and Law Enforcement Interrogations: Research Findings
National Registry of Exoneration: University of Michigan Law School
Innocence Project: Wikipedia
All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God [ref: Romans 3 v 20-31]. In God's eyes ALL sin is equal and will cause eternal damnation. [ref: Revelation 21 v 8, Revelation 22 v 11-17] Judge not for what you judge with you shall be judged. The problem with society as a whole is we are quick to judge and condemn others while we expect fairness, mercy, truth, understanding, as well as benefit of the doubt from others for ourselves. Hypocrites is what many in this nation have become without even being aware of their own hypocrisy. [ref: John 8 v 7 ]
We have shown as a nation that we no longer wish to follow the Christian principles in which our country was founded upon, and have become a nation of hypocritical mini judges following the orders of an elite group that creates "rules" out of thin air pushed upon the people by corporations, without the people's permission. The people (jury) are then used to enforce these
If we continue feeding this out of control fictitious judicial system we all loose. Is this being done for society, safety, or truth? I think not, but only for vengeance sought by and enforced by the uninformed. All while the big bankers, private prisons, law enforcement agencies, courts, prosecutors offices and attorney's are benefiting by this forced slavery of our people, collecting an endless supply of money flowing into their bank accounts . This defacto system is benefiting by enslaving humanity in a box of steal, our families, communities, and states are destroyed by a lack of compassion and morals. In turn society wonders why there are so many broken homes, so many out of control youth, so much violence? If we as a people would do as we are supposed to do, see people as innocent until proven guilty as well as judge their
The Jury's duties and responsibilities are to protect the people against government overreach. It is not only the Jury's duty to judge on the case itself, but also judge the
Fully Informed Jury Association
Founding Father John Adams' Notes on the Right of Jury Nullification
Jury Secret Power: PDF Produced by Fully Informed Jury Association
More Helpful Information
The United States has an estimated prison population of 1,574,700 prisoners as of December 31, 2013. This does not include "jails" or "juvenile detention centers". [ref: Bureau of Justice Statistics ] How many of those individuals did not receive a fair trial? How many prisoners today are locked away in prison due to a "plea bargain" deal which is almost always under threat (of more time or higher charges if they don't take the plea deal), duress (because they have been locked up longer than allowed and feel there is no other way out), or coercion. Ninety Eight percent of all cases are plea bargains. These plea bargains are many times only agreed to because a person (even those that are innocent) are told they can choose, but if they choose the jury trial they'll get 100 years, or if you sign this agreement we'll only keep you in prison for 20 years. That is NO CHOICE, that is entrapment, especially when it is already known and explained earlier that there is NO true fair trial today.
See links below of corruption that led to INNOCENT people being imprisoned by a system that didn't allow "Due Process". How many more innocent people are sitting in prison right now, due to an uninformed jury?
Daniel Anderson: Exonerated after 27 years in prison.
Edward Mcinnis: Exonerated after 27 years in prison
Joel Fowler: Exonerated
Only when we realize what we ourselves are doing wrong, and correct our perception of real justice, will our union become a better place and our people will have liberty without fear of corrupt judicial systems. The jails will no longer be a burden upon our people, and the ever so growing police state will dissipate because it will no longer be profitable for them. Thus in turn reuniting our families, strengthening our communities, and re-establishing the liberty we were originally intended to have.
We must give to others what we expect to be given unto us. If we as a people do not, then one day the same shall be done to you and there will be no one to defend you when you are targeted by their unlawful
That is my thought for today:
Go To Trial: Crash the System "New York Times"
Our Corrupted "Grand Jury's" : Historical and Educational Context
Resurrect The Republic: A wealth of information, Historical documents, Education
Right to Travel Proven in Case Law: Resurrect The Republic
Criminal Complaint Shines light on RICO Enterprise in Stevens County: Scanned Retina
Become the difference, Get Involved, Speak Out, and regain your liberty! It's time to move it, or loose it there are no other options.
Join People Making a Difference for All.
FBI: Federal Law Enforcement Authority Announce Formation of Task Force to Fight Public Corruption
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